I recommend adding borders to quilts for a few reasons. Borders add a nice touch to a quilt. It is like putting a frame around a picture; it adds dimension and gives the quilt a finished look. I like using a one and a half inch to two inch wide border that contrasts the colors in the quilt, then add a four inch to six inch border fabric that matches or complements one of the patterns used in the quilt.
Another reason the you might want to add borders is that adding borders is a quick way to add to the width and length of your quilt. Have you ever found a quilt pattern that you really liked but the pattern dimensions were too small. Don’t let that stop you. Use the pattern and add borders to the desired width and length.
The final reason why I recommend borders is that sewing the borders around your quilt ties in the edges of the piece work. If you decide you do not want borders you will need to sew a stitch around the edges of your quilt to prevent the pieces from separating and stretching. The longarm quilter will most likely charge you an extra fee if it’s not done.

About Lady VanWinkle’s
Are you looking to buy a handcrafted quilt? Check out our Quilts for Sale. If you are looking to customize your own quilt. Click the following links for Longarm Stitching services or contact us.