What Longarm Quilters Wish You Knew!

  • WHITE FABRIC: Use white thread when sewing quilt top pieces, IF using white or light fabric in your quilt top. This prevents colored thread from showing through on the quilt top.
  • IF NO BOARDERS: Sew 1/8” inch around quilt top if you are NOT using boarders. This prevents seams from separating at the ends during the longarm quilting.
  • MISSED STITCHES: Double CHECK seams to make sure there are NO missed stitches. Once the quilt is loaded on the machine it’s difficult if not impossible to repair.
  • BACKING & BATTING: Cut backing and batting a MINIMUM of 4” INCHES beyond each side of the quilt top. That equals a total of 8” inches LONGER and 8” inches WIDER than the quilt top.
  •  BACKING: When piecing backing together, use a ½” inch allowance and press open. IRON OUT heavy wrinkles and creases.
  • BATTING: When sewing two pieces of batting together to make one large piece, use a ZIGZAG stitch and overlap batting material 1/4 “ inch. If batting is butt together there is a high chance the batting will separate. If using an iron on tape to assemble batting, follow the provided instructions. Usually, batting is butt together when using tape.
  • WAVY QUILT/BOARDERS: To minimize a wavy quilt and wavy boarders, square individual pieced blocks before assembling blocks together. If adding boarders to quilt, 1) sewing the two vertical boarders leaving a couple inches at each end; 2) Iron the boarders open; 3) Trim excess material using a quilting square ruler to square up the two boarders. Boarders are to be squared to the quilt. 4) Sew the two horizontal boarders leaving a couple inches at each end. Do not trim excess material until after your quilt has been through the Longarm process.