Is There A National Quilt Day For 2021?

National Quilt Day is three months away.  In 2021 it will be observed Saturday, March 20, 2021. National Quilting Association began in 1991. Over time ‘National Quilting Day’ has unofficially expanded to the whole month of March. National Quilting Day/Month of is now recognized world wide as a time to celebrate the history of quilting.

During the month of March quilters will be sharing the rich history of quilting. The oldest quilt still around to day is ‘The Sicilian Tristian Quilt’ said to have been made around 1360-1400.

Watch for upcoming events.

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Are you looking to buy a handcrafted quilt. Check out our Quilts for Sale. If you are looking to customize your own quilt? Click the following links for Longarm Stitching services or contact us.